Goals and Objectives

HPP Management Consultant BDU has existed as an independent business undertaking since the beginning of 1991. It is backed by the experience of more than fifteen years of consultancy work, Hans Peter Pfersich covering all the main functions at all management levels in most industries. HPP Media and Marketing GmbH has since been founded as a subsidiary company. By concluding cooperation agreements with partners in Germany and abroad, it has been possible to extend the range of expertise and regional coverage.


Our work is centered on providing support and advice in the search for and selection of managers and specialists. This specialisation on recruitment is embedded in a wealth of comprehensive experience resulting from many years of top-level consultancy work.


The prime goal of any consultancy work is to find the optimum solution for a client in close cooperation with that client. With this overriding objective in mind, the most suitable course of action can then be selected in each specific case. Company Building


Only a targeted, selective and discreet search will produce a result that meets the justifiably high expectations of the client and, at the same time, satisfies the terms and aspirations of the potential candidate.


We do not see our work as being restricted to recruitment in the narrow sense of the word, but as an active contribution to fulfilling the demanding corporate goals of our clients. It is therefore important for us to strive for a lasting cooperation with our clients, because only in this way can mutual understanding and trust develop as the basis for a long-term successful consulting service.